Contact me to arrange a personal and professional session of reflexology in Biggin Hill or neighbouring areas.

Reflexology Biggin HillReflexology can be the first step in discovering other ways to live happier and healthier lives. By putting your feet first with reflexology, you’ll realise how good you can feel.

Reflexology has many benefits. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep, tranquil relaxation. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology improves circulation. All systems of the body will function more efficiently, so cleansing the body of toxins and impurities. The body will be ‘tuned up’, so your whole body system becomes balanced in order to keep it running harmoniously. By relaxing and opening the energy pathways, reflexology revitalises the body and supplies it with energy on all levels. Only when a body is well-balanced is a person in the best shape to have the ability to keep illness at bay. Reflexology will help to boost your immune system. Mental alertness may also be restored to improve your attention span, creativity and production.

Reflexology treatment (one hour) – £65

To make arrangements for your professional reflexology session performed by a highly-qualified reflexologist, contact me HERE, or call me on 0774 7021500.